Tuesday 28 June 2011

So Many Wonderful Expressions!!

As i had my macro lens on my camera, i thought i would have a go at shooting some shots of my son with it.
Not an easy target as he wouldn't keep still, and always turns away when mummy has the camera out.

Think he's trying to tell me something!!

In fact he's probably right, if you looked at my walls, in fact any free spot, you will see a photo of him.

But that's just me, one very proud mummy!!!!

I got 38 decent photos from this shot, but chose some of my favourites to post. As i think 38 may have been a few too many hehehe!

He has such a cheeky smile!

His smile lights up the whole of his face!

Cheeky Monkey!

So beautiful!

You caught me mummy!

Smiling Eyes!

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